Around Granville Island
May, 2023
Photos from a walk around Granville Island. Shot on Fuji X-S10, edited in Lightroom.
Sunny Vancouver
March, 2023
Photos from a sunny day walking around Vancouver. Shot on Fuji X-S10, edited in Lightroom.
Snow on Kits Point
February, 2023
Photos from a snow day in Vancouver. Shot on Fuji X-S10, edited in Lightroom.
Stanley Park Walk
February, 2023
Photos from a photography walk around Stanley Park. Shot on Fuji X-S10, edited in Lightroom.
Golden Hour in False Creek
January, 2023
Photos from a beautiful day in Vancouver. Shot on Fuji X-S10, edited in Lightroom.
Cloudy Day Around False Creek
January, 2023
Various pictures from my walks around false creek in the Winter. Shot on Fuji X-S10, edited in Lightroom.
Grooming Deer
October, 2022
I found these deer grooming each other between the ferns.
Smoky Lake
October, 2022
Photos from a nearby lake, when the air was full of smoke from fires.
Horseshoe Bay Birds
December, 2022
While waiting for a bus in Horseshoe Bay BC, I found a pair of bushes full of tiny birds.
Exploring and Thrift Shopping
October, 2022
Photos from a trip exploring downtown Vancouver and visiting thrift stores.
Orb Weavers
September, 2022
Two different orb weavers. The first shot was taken right after I accidentally destroyed the web with my face, and the spider is in the process of recycling the broken strands.
Tree Frog on a Cauliflower Leaf
September, 2022
I found this frog sitting on a cauliflower leaf in the garden.
9mm Trip Home
August, 2022
Wide shots of Vancouver and the Ferry Home
Malcom Island Trip
August, 2022
Images from a family vacation to Malcom Island, Telegraph Cove, and Alert Bay
W&B Infrared Photos
August, 2022
I converted an old point-and-shoot camera to infrared by removing the infrared filter from the sensor and creating a visible light filter from stage light gels.
July, 2022
This dragonfly was kind enough to pose for a while as I took photos.
Foxgloves in the Sun
July, 2022
Rainbow Over the Chief
June, 2022
Double rainbow over the Stawamus Chief in Squamish BC
Coast Mountain Slopes
June, 2022
Photos from a trip up the Sea to Sky Gondola in Squamish, BC
May Birds and Flowers
May, 2022
The Birds and Buildings of Vancouver
May, 2022
Mason Bees
May, 2022
Bluff Creatures
May, 2022
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